
Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Money - L2


Recount about line tag

 On Thursday morning the Block went outside on the netball court to play line tag.We had to get are bodies warmed up so we ran to the rugby post sand went back me and kiyah walked the whole way.First we started off with Hikianalia and Te Aurere  the tagger in Te Aurere was Naomi and  the tagger in Hikianalia was Fale then they all went and they ran around because miss king said go than they all ran around because m is king said go than they all started Hine Moana and Hokule'a and they all ran around  Hine moana won and finally we went back to class. I felt happy and tired.running on the lines.

Garfield Punctuation Week 1 T4

 1: Jon holds up the empty yellow plate and says.

“There were 3 dozen cookies on this plate”...

Garfield looks weaily at jon while he shout.

“And now they’re gone”.

Garfield thought for a minute before pointing at the plate and saying

”bad plate”.

Jon sighs ,will Garfield ever be normal.

“Look Garfield! I'm touching my toes"!
Exclaims jon excitedly wearing his striped pyjamas.
"I’m happy for you Jon."
Garfield says this is a great exercise.
"Why don't  you join me ask jon '
"Sounds a bit strange, but ok."
Replies Garfield,reaching down to touch jon toes.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Garfield and Jon

1: Garfield and Jon dash excitedly fr delicious hot dog.

"ha! beat you to it".!
Exclaims Jon as their hands reach for the hot dog at the same time.
"uh Garfield. would you mind taking your claw out of my hand"? Ask Jon clearly in pain.
" Give me a good reason".
Replies Garfield hoping to win the yummy treat.

2: " you are a cat!" Jon angrily shouts at Garfield Jon and Garfield are standing together outside a mouse hole.

" you are a cat!" 

Jon angrily shouts at Garfield.

"That is a mouse."

insists Jon pointing to a small mouse sticking his head out of his house.

"please to meet you".
 says Garfield shacking the mouses Hand while Jon hits his head in dispair.