
Friday, 18 September 2020

Linus and Lucy

 Linus and Lucy are wacthing TV late one night
" I thought you were study for a history test
Lucy says to Linus.
 " i don't have to ... i'm just going to put my book under my pillow."
Replies Linus as he heads off to bed

Linus place the Book under his pillow and says to himself.

"During the night the answer well seep upward througth
the pillow"

Linus snuggles down under the cove and whispers.

" I hope

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Taisha 4 & 6 Times Table - Is - Wed

charlie and lucy

Charlie Brown shouts from the top of the pitcher's mound.

"Lucy look out for the fly ball!"

Lucy walks up to charlie.

"what did you say?"

she asks.

"I said look out for the fly ball!"

Charlie replies while Lucy walks off

"Thank you"

Exclaim Lucy as the ball hits her head.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Number of the week

cross country course

On a cloudy morning room 20 and room 19 were going on a cross country course.
we started next to the park and went out the gate after that we saw a red flag. Mrs king told us to go around the red flag. then we saw another flag next to a pukeko and a goal post. Next we saw a flag again it was so boring. my legs got so sore and tierd from walking and my feet were cold. finally we were at the last flag and went inside the gate we saw another class playing AFL and went back to class I was bored i did'ent want to do it again.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Garfield and Jon

"Where should we go on our vacation, Garfield?"

Jon asks Garfield excitedly.

"The kitchen!"

Replies Garfield enthusiastically.

"I don’t know why I talk to you."

Says Jon as he walks away in defeat.

Garfield continues eagerly.

"We can set up a tent next to the refrigerator.'

Save me! It’s a giant meatball from outer space.

Jon screams as a giant meatball rolls across the table

towards  him.

Garfield marches in with his fork.

Never fear the Meatballinator is here!

Declares Garfield, ready to eat.

All of a sudden Garfield is awoken from his nap.

I hate waking up.

He sighs sadly.

T3 - Grammar - Adjectives - Wk 8